More about Kim

Kim, like many who struggle with addiction, grew up in a home where there was addiction and abuse. This didn’t prepare her well to deal with life’s other curve balls. She has been in recovery from a host of substance and behaviour dependencies she developed trying to cope.

She’s tackled drugs and alcohol, and compulsions around spending, gambling, food and more. Addiction can be like a game of whack-a-mole. You get a grip on one problem behaviour, only to have another take its place. Kim offers her story as an example of why you can’t just “go to treatment and get fixed.” She began her revolving door with her first treatment centre experience in 1993, from residential treatment centres to hospitals to detox centres.  All of this was rough on her health and her family.

Kim has done the deep work of the twelve steps to tackle all of it, the addictive behaviours, the learned codependence. Since she has found her peace, she has turned her heart inside out and dedicated her life to helping. Honesty with self and others is her most important value in recovery.  She has a lot of tools to share with you that she learned along the way.

Kim brings a heart full of compassion and support for you, combined with a clear perception of what’s going on and a deep understanding of what you’re going through.